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Article 1: Name

     a. The name of this organization shall be Student Pennsylvania State Education Association chapter of the

          National Education Association of Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

Article 2: Purpose

     a. This organization shall be formed to afford students the opportunity to interact with their peers and

         exchange valuable pre-professional information. It is created to serve as a sub-chapter of the National

         Education Association to make members aware of educational information on both the state and national

         levels, as well as provide local opportunities for students to meet state and national educational dignitaries,

         gain information from experiences, speakers and practicing teachers in the field.

     b. The purposes of Student PSEA shall be: (a) to influence and improve the conditions of teacher preparation;

         (b) to provide for a unified student voice in matters affecting their education and profession; (c) to develop in

         the future educator an understanding of and appreciation for the education profession and the role of the

         professional education association; (d) to promote and protect human and civil rights of students; (e) to

         forward the aim of quality education; to stimulate the highest ideals of professional ethics, standards,and


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Our Chapter

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
 ~ Nelson Mandela
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